It is well known by now that encryption without authentication is insufficient, and many chosen-ciphertext attacks on improperly authenticated ciphertexts are now commonplace. Authenticated encryption—constructions that both encrypt and authenticate plaintexts in one sitting—are widespread at this point, with the two most common instances being AES-GCM and ChaChaPoly1305.
One property that the usual definitions of authenticated encryption do not capture is key commitment: a ciphertext is tied to a particular key, and it should not be possible to create ciphertexts that successfully decrypt under more than one key. Some systems will fail, or have unexpected properties, if their authenticated encryption is not committing; this was the case for Facebook’s message franking, the OPAQUE authenticated key exchange, some AWS and Google services, and more.
Recently, an attack surfaced for some systems that unwittingly relied on key-committing encryption: partitioning oracle attacks. The setup is simple: if the keyspace is known to be relatively small—say, if keys are derived from low-entropy passwords—and it is possible to detect whether a ciphertext was successfully validated or not, it becomes possible to recover the key/password using this oracle. This attack requires being able to generate ciphertexts that successfully decrypt under many different keys. One system where this kind of attack was possible was Shadowsocks proxy servers.
The Len et al. paper introducing partitioning oracle attacks considers generating these “key-colliding” ciphertexts for both AES-GCM and ChaChaPoly1305. In the case of GCM, generating such ciphertexts is asymptotically easy—it reduces to fast polynomial interpolation, which finds a ciphertext colliding for $l$ different keys in $O\left(l \log^2 l\right)$ finite field operations. The authors successfully generated ciphertexts decrypting under $262144$ different keys, and it is practical to go much higher. The case of ChaChaPoly1305 is more problematic, however. The authors, using linear algebra and some light bruteforce, generated ciphertexts that decrypt under up to $10$ different keys.
This post describes how to generate ChaChaPoly1305 ciphertexts (more precisely, Poly1305 inputs) that validate under at least hundreds of keys, reducing it to a well-studied lattice problem. We also argue that it is unlikely to be able to go much further without massive computing power due to the hardness of the very same lattice problems.
Colliding Poly1305 tags
The Poly1305 one-time authenticator takes two $16$-byte keys $(r, s)$1 and given a padded message $(m_0, m_1, \dots, m_{n-1})$2 produces \begin{align}\label{eq:definition} \text{Poly1305}(r, s, m) = \left(\left( \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} m_i r^{n-i+1} \bmod \left(2^{130}-5\right) \right) + s\right) \bmod 2^{128}. \end{align} The goal here is, given $l$ known key pairs $((r_0, s_0), (r_1, s_1), \dots, (r_{l-1}, s_{l-1}))$, to produce a message $m = (m_0, m_1, \dots)$ such that $\text{Poly1305}(r_0, s_0, m) = \dots = \text{Poly1305}(r_{l-1}, s_{l-1}, m)$.
This problem essentially reduces to polynomial interpolation. There are, however, a few complications that must be resolved in order to obtain valid ciphertexts:
- There are a few ciphertext block choices that are not arbitrary. Namely, the last block must be the encoding of the message length, and cannot be arbitrary.
- Every input message block is $16$ bytes long3, and must be padded with a
byte at the 17th byte. This effectively means that every coefficient $m_i$ in (\ref{eq:definition}) must lie in the interval $\left[2^{128}, 2^{129}-1\right]$.
We will now deal with both of these obstructions.
The first obstruction is rather easy to deal with. We begin with the congruence system, directly translating from the definition (\ref{eq:definition}): $$ \begin{align*} \left(\left( \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} m_i r_0^{n-i+1} \bmod (2^{130}-5) \right) + s_0\right) \bmod 2^{128} &= t_{0} \newline \dots \newline \left(\left( \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} m_i r_{l-1}^{n-i+1} \bmod (2^{130}-5) \right) + s_{l-1}\right) \bmod 2^{128} &= t_{l-1}. \end{align*} $$ Since the last block, corresponding to $r_i m_{n-1}$, is fixed, as it is solely dependent on the message length, we can move it to the right side, and obtain the system $$ \begin{align} \label{eq:system} \begin{split} m(r_0) &= \frac{\left(t_{0} - s_{0} \bmod 2^{128}\right) - r_0m_{n-1}}{r_0^2} \pmod{2^{130}-5} \newline \dots \newline m(r_{l-1}) &= \frac{\left(t_{l-1} - s_{l-1} \bmod 2^{128}\right) - r_{l-1}m_{n-1}}{r_{l-1}^2} \pmod{2^{130}-5}, \end{split} \end{align} $$ which is more suitable for interpolation4. As such, we are now ready to move on to the second obstruction—the Poly1305 padding. We split this process into 3 phases: interpolation, redundancy, and optimization.
Solving (\ref{eq:system}) can be accomplished in $O(l \log^2 l)$ field operations with standard interpolation algorithms, and yields a unique solution $m(x)$ of degree $\le l-1$. The chance that $m(x)$ has all of its coefficients in the required interval $\left[2^{128}, 2^{129}-1\right]$ is approximately $\left(\frac{2^{128}}{2^{130}-5}\right)^l \approx 2^{-2l}$. Except for very short degrees, simply hoping for a valid solution is untenable.
The above situation forces us to add redundancy to the solution $m(x)$. Using the correspondence $m(r) = m(x) \bmod (x - r)$ we have that the solution $m$ is the smallest polynomial satisfying $$ \begin{align*} m(x) \bmod (x - r_0) &= b_0 \newline \dots \newline m(x) \bmod (x - r_{l-1}) &= b_{l-1}, \end{align*} $$ where $b_i$ are the right sides of (\ref{eq:system}).
Let $p(x) = (x - r_0)(x - r_1)\dots(x - r_{l-1})$. To add redundancy, we look for a polynomial $m'(x)$ such that $$ \begin{align*} m'(x) \bmod p(x) &= m(x) \newline m'(x) \bmod f(x) &= g(x), \end{align*} $$ where $f(x)$ is an arbitrary monic polynomial of degree $d$, $\gcd(f(x), p(x)) = 1$, and $g(x)$ is an arbitrary polynomial of degree $d-1$. This is directly given by interpolation or the Chinese remainder theorem: $$ \begin{align}\label{eq:split} \begin{split} m'(x) &= m(x)\cdot f(x) \cdot \left(f(x)^{-1} \bmod p(x)\right) \bmod p(x)f(x)\newline &+ g(x)\cdot p(x) \cdot \left(p(x)^{-1} \bmod f(x)\right) \bmod p(x)f(x). \end{split} \end{align} $$ The arbitrary choices of $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ give us essentially unlimited freedom to manipulate the original solution until a suitable modification is reached5.
We now have a way to generate an arbitrary number of higher-degree polynomials from a single solution, but making that solution fit the padding constraint remains difficult. Bruteforcing our way through this problem requires exponential time on the number of keys $l$. Our solution sidesteps this problem by using lattice reduction.
Let $m'_a(x)$ be the left side of the sum in (\ref{eq:split}), and $m'_b(x)$ be its right side. Both have degrees bounded by $l + d - 1$. Suppose we fix $f(x)$ to an arbitrary constant value; this results in $m'_a(x)$ being constant, and $m'_b(x)$ being of the form $g(x) \cdot h(x) \bmod p(x)f(x)$, where $h(x)=p(x) \cdot \left(p(x)^{-1} \bmod f(x)\right)$ only depends on $f(x)$ which, again, remains constant. Unpacking the multiplication, we have $$ \begin{align*} m'_b(x) &= g_0\cdot\left( h(x) \bmod p(x)f(x) \right) \newline & + g_1\cdot\left( xh(x) \bmod p(x)f(x) \right) \newline & \dots \newline & + g_{d-1}\cdot\left( x^{d-1}h(x) \bmod p(x)f(x) \right). \end{align*} $$ This set of linear combinations forms a $q$-ary lattice6 generated by the coefficient vectors of $h(x) \bmod p(x)f(x), xh(x) \bmod p(x)f(x), \dots, x^{d-1}h(x) \bmod p(x)f(x)$, that is, $$ \begin{align*} \Lambda_q(g) = \{ z \in \mathbb{Z}^{l+d} : z = A^t\cdot s \pmod{2^{130}-5} \text{ for some } s \in \mathbb{Z}^{d} \}, \end{align*} $$ where, abusing notation, $$ \begin{align*} A =% \begin{pmatrix} h(x) \bmod p(x)f(x) \newline xh(x) \bmod p(x)f(x)\newline \dots \newline x^{d-1}h(x) \bmod p(x)f(x) \end{pmatrix}. \end{align*} $$
This can be turned into a standard integer lattice by adding $l+d$ rows encoding the modulo $q$ equivalence class:
$$ \begin{pmatrix} h(x) \bmod p(x)f(x) \newline xh(x) \bmod p(x)f(x)\newline \dots \newline x^{d-1}h(x) \bmod p(x)f(x) \newline q\cdot I_{l+d} \end{pmatrix}. $$
After echelonization, this lattice basis will be of the form
$$ \begin{align}\label{eq:lattice} \begin{pmatrix} I_{d} & A' \newline 0 & q\cdot I_{l} \end{pmatrix}, \end{align} $$ with $A'$ an $l\times l$ matrix. This form is quite useful to compute the determinant, as will be necessary below.
The problem of finding a properly padded $m'(x)$ then consists of finding a lattice vector (respectively, a polynomial $m'_b$) close to $\left(2^{128}+2^{127}, \dots, 2^{128}+2^{127}\right) - m'_a(x)$, such that $m'_b + m'_a$ is close to the center of the $[2^{128}, 2^{129}-1]$ interval.
It should be pointed out that there is a connection to coding theory here. The basis of the lattice $\Lambda_q(A)$ can also be understood as the generator matrix for a $q$-ary linear code in $\mathbb{F}_q^{l+d}$. Finding the nearest codeword to $\left(2^{128}+2^{127}, \dots, 2^{128}+2^{127}\right) - m'_a(x)$ in the $L_{\infty}$ metric is the coding-theoretic formulation of the same problem. Like finding closest vectors, this problem is very hard in the general case.
The maximum error we are able to tolerate is a distance of $2^{127}$ in each coordinate (i.e., $L_{\infty} \le 2^{127}$). However, when dealing with lattices the $L_2$ norm is most common, and we can bound it instead by $\sqrt{l+d}2^{127}$. Which leads to an important question…
Do close enough vectors exist?
Yes, almost certainly, for sensible choices of $d$.
The volume of the $q$-ary lattice $\Lambda_q(A)$ is given by the determinant of its basis, which from (\ref{eq:lattice}) is easily determined to be $q^{l}$, with $q=2^{130}-5$. By Minkowski’s theorem, the shortest vector in this lattice is bounded by $\sqrt{l+d}q^{l/(l+d)}$, and the Gaussian heuristic tells us that for a random lattice most vectors will be at a distance $\approx \sqrt{\frac{l+d}{2\pi e}} q^{l/(l+d)} $ of the nearest lattice point.
Thus, as long as $\sqrt{l+d}q^{l/(l+d)}$ is much smaller than $\sqrt{l+d}2^{127}$, there is almost certainly a suitable vector close by.
Are such close vectors easy to find?
Mostly, as long as $l+d$ is not too large.
For dimensions $l+d$ up to $60$ or so, it is easy to exactly find closest vectors using, say, fplll or g6k. But for dimensions in the hundreds it quickly becomes unfeasible to find closest vectors, and we need to rely on approximation algorithms. Specifically, we use LLL or BKZ combined with Babai’s algorithm or Kannan’s embedding.
One important parameter of the lattice basis reduction algorithm being used is its root Hermite factor: a lattice basis reduction algorithm with root Hermite factor $\delta$ will yield vectors of length $\le \delta^{l+d} q^{l/(l+d)}$ in the reduced basis. LLL has a proven $\delta = 1.075,$ but in practice it’s closer to $1.021$, according to the experiments of Gama and Nguyen. The following table lists some of the practical $\delta$ factors for various lattice reduction methods:
LLL | 1.021 |
BKZ-20 | 1.013 |
BKZ-50 | 1.012 |
BKZ-85 | 1.001 |
BKZ-110 | 1.009 |
In practice we observed that embedding usually works better than Babai. Embedding reduces a CVP problem to SVP by extending the lattice to $$ \begin{pmatrix} A & 0 \newline t & M \end{pmatrix}, $$ where $A$ is the basis (\ref{eq:lattice}), $t$ is the vector corresponding to $\left(2^{128}+2^{127}, \dots, 2^{128}+2^{127}\right) - m'_a(x)$, and the embedding factor is $M = \frac{q^{l/(l+d)}}{2\delta^{l+d}}$ to maximize the decoding radius, since we are not guaranteed that there is a particularly close vector relatively to the shortest vector in the lattice7.
The most important parameters here are the choice of $d$ and the root Hermite factor $\delta$. While increasing $d$ increases the lattice dimension, it also shortens the expected distance to the closest vector. And the lower the $\delta$, the better the approximation to the closest vector is going to be, but lower $\delta$ generally comes at a computational cost. So a balance must be reached.
For example, let $l = 1000$, and set $d = 300$. Using BKZ-20, we have an expected $1.013^{l+d}q^{l/(l+d)} \approx 2^{124.22}$, much lower than the error margin $\sqrt{l+d}2^{127} \approx 2^{132.17}$. Thus, it is likely that we are able to find a solution under this combination of parameters. Using plain LLL, however, gives us an expected $1.021^{l+d}q^{l/(l+d)} \approx 2^{138.98}$, making it unlikely to succeed in this case.
But running BKZ-20 on such a high dimension is going to be very expensive, so it might be a better choice to switch to LLL and increase $d$ to, say, $600$, in which case we have $1.021^{l+d}q^{l/(l+d)} \approx 2^{129.22}$, which is tight, but within range of being solved.
The following graph plots the (heuristically) minimum necessary degree $d$ to achieve a solution depending on the CVP-approximation algorithm used:
Necessary extra degree for various lattice reduction techniques.
It is clear that with an exact CVP solver the degree $d$ remains low8, but solving the CVP problem is NP-hard. Instead, using LLL or BKZ the approximation factor grows exponentially, and at some point it is no longer possible to find a solution, regardless of how high we set $d$. For LLL, this limit seems to be after $l \approx 1100$; for BKZ-20, around $l \approx 1800$.
It is also important to point out that even LLL, the fastest basis reduction algorithm, is pretty slow: the best variants take time $O((l+d)^4(l+d+\log q)\log q)$, so while it runs in polynomial time, the degree is not very good and reducing, say, a dimension-1000 lattice will take a long time9.
Practical experiments
Now we give a worked Sagemath example of the above method by creating a ciphertext valid for $8$ different keys. First, some setup and parameters:
Then, we recreate the key derivation of $r, s$ within ChaChaPoly1305:
Now, generate some arbitrary tag that the ciphertext will have, and obtain the interpolation targets:
Now we are ready for the algorithmic part of the process. First, find $m$ by interpolation10:
While this is a toy example, it highlights all of the necessary components of the process, and generalizes easily to higher dimensions, where the only difference is the usage of LLL and the embedding method.
For a more elaborate example, the following Base64-encoded ChaChaPoly1305 ciphertext, which takes around 15 minutes to generate, most of which spent inside LLL, successfully decrypts under the 256 keys bytes([i])*32
for $0 \le i < 256$ and all-zero nonce:
I4HE6QnUAakXV6eicS1Jbtv5enbEPjymUBwz9b2cXm5NxjW/ld9r7UU9W+aGvXZtQ564Nobw67+x AiX/t+ynmESCx+GyFD6nn/bMnYJ9o6ra9SXl7NwCHMWRMaBRNPN/i6W6I4Ywiln3+De3O1QCmKSh 0ikxlGdfBwZsxhLuxIF8kgjalYXGsJtHUJ2vUwGEoAkYDrCfimqKHjBCEWP/ig8DgSj3HONPLzq9 KJ2+C2A/eBjhqNfTF1CI8rA66xF7sxT1Kg7YUqhwS8V5bFvXZY/Mfv2cNjLLKPfNNAImkIPTHxav NuyJo6/zbv4mvjJzVbMYM/MJi7y+kFNdfz8HcSml26NwU/ftyrpR9DnTYmXbC/W50OqG/VpxFpvR CIee+o7B9f0jW3hZqX9/F/bfZpDYzl9AS6V5Q92ZGxT1YIpqai70ZMo7SnVUXJWOUDJraQlUX4ol oerj318EHo0gkGY1ag39qk+t/kZXVJI2PJ6GIqlCG3OumxoNGqvq3wmXck2zvzwvmgjuvHPQRV9Z eWK68X3J6ueqsdiSyCNoRnIea+rRkuW63/5ypXzXhyl2dJIyQlx6xiOp6ZhXxp9tkCwaPIIT36xy OxaBioW254LYleWlGr9qDo2KhrKR8CR5NUknq7nNYwIU7gyMl74CaTK8RsRf8dfcSXsrg8XGyYqC hYMv2P/FncMD3CH6PL9q9RXkm80VW51+etdUjMvtkWS76a0TZT3VxToQx5Li0Yg/j7FditPRcSmW Erj+YDp6BudA5bter4EEqlZpsApyjIUOvf93QeW3qhLfp9V7h3WN260e9+7Pqxv4Gl6T5YiLU+z6 XLqFZiBJJP/BD8qojQCKfYnJiAU5WbF9hARfco7QERkGj9e8gKWgZQwWqch2WtC+rjrdUoKa9YDA btEiksKGGSxECBCGSoeOYkCioYj3yvsVL/VybHmSeqjhnNV+CIbTC8+0VGks1T99CdAAo01FO4mT 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uGvyxFigFnKwLXbRg33Q+NeGMBgWR6REuDpKl/3Qg+bqyA==
Going even further, we also generated a longer message validating under 512 keys11 and the all-zero nonce. The poor scaling of LLL is more noticeable here: we went from from $l = 256, d = 23$ in 15 minutes to $l = 512, d = 94$ in approximately 48 hours, both on a single core.
It is not every day that we stumble upon a problem in symmetric cryptography where lattices will be of use. Lattices and lattice reduction are, of course, more often associated with either breaking public-key cryptography, such as various textbook RSA implementation mistakes, (EC)DSA nonce leaks, or building public-key primitives, most notably the NTRU and (Ring-)LWE public-key encryption, both of which being now featured in round-3 of NIST’s post-quantum competition.
As you can see, figuring out how to efficiently—or, rather, as efficiently as possible—generate constrained polynomials usable by a partitioning oracle attack on Poly1305 can be a fun and enlightening exercise.
In ChaChaPoly1305 the keys $(r, s)$ are derived using Chacha20; we skip past these details, as they are not too important for the exposition. But the proof of concept code does take this into account. ↩︎
In the case of ChaChaPoly1305 the message is of the form $\text{pad}(a) | \text{pad}(m) | \text{pad}(\text{encode}(|a|,|m|))$, where $\text{pad}(\cdot)$ splits its input into 16-byte blocks and extends each block to 17 bytes by appending one
byte and as many0x00
bytes as necessary. Here we ignore the existence of the associated data $a$; it’s assumed to be empty. ↩︎The last message block is an exception to this, but to keep things simple we will assume that the message length is always a multiple of $16$ bytes. ↩︎
There is an implicit switch in coefficient order here, since the most significant coefficient was $m_0$ before, and is now $m_{n-2}$, but this is purely a matter of encoding. ↩︎
In hindsight, a polynomial of the form $m'(x) = m(x) + p(x)f(x)$ for arbitrary $f(x)$ of degree $d$ would have been simpler, and would have resulted in the same lattices as here. ↩︎
This lattice is quite similar to the typical LWE lattice. More precisely, it is reminiscent of Ring-LWE, with the caveat that our modulus is random, whereas the likes of Ring-LWE and NTRU use nice structured moduli of the form $x^{2^n} + 1$ or $x^n - 1$. ↩︎
In the LWE setting this is usually framed as a reduction from BDD to uSVP, that is, a bounded-distance decoding problem into the unique SVP problem. But since we don’t have a promise here that there is a disproportionately close vector to our target (relative to the length of the shortest vectors), this sort of reduction does not apply. ↩︎
Indeed, the necessary $d$ required with an exact CVP oracle is very close to the $d = \lceil l/64 \rceil$ that would be expected from a bruteforce search. ↩︎
The recent asymptotically faster LLL-type reduction of Kirchner et al. show promise to enable large-dimensional LLL reductions. ↩︎
We use Sage’s quadratic interpolation algorithm here, as the number of points is negligible. ↩︎
Base64-encoded, one per line. ↩︎