Introducing Telltale and Addressing the Lingering Wannacry Threat
In light of the recent news circulating about sporadic WannaCry outbreaks, namely defense contractor Boeing and earlier last month Connecticut state agencies, as well as Honda, we think it important to provide further guidance on assessing ongoing and hidden dangers related to WannaCry outbreaks. To immediately begin reducing risk and augmenting your existing security defenses, we are providing at no cost Telltale, a free version of Vantage Breach Intelligence Feed. Telltale is a simplified version of our breach monitoring and can help your organization assess past or ongoing malware infections, including but not limited to WannaCry.
WannaCry: End of Year Retrospective
Last November marked the six-month anniversary of WannaCry, arguably the most impactful global cyberattack in history. The persisting WannaCry attack is a re-purposed ransomware strain amplified by (allegedly) leaked exploit code from the NSA. For previous details about the inner workings of WannaCry see our previous post. Today, the United States declared North Korea responsible for the WannaCry attacks. This post will present analytical findings and perspective into just how wide these attacks have scaled, and how very little footprint is required to sustain a global security crisis.
WannaCry: Two Weeks and 16 Million Averted Ransoms Later
WannaCrypt, aka WannaCry, has been the Infosec story of the past couple of weeks. What was originally a humble ransomware became a newly retrofitted NSA-powered worm which spread recklessly, wreaking global havoc. Fortunately, the proliferation of WannaCry came to a standstill when one of our security researchers, MalwareTech, working to collect intelligence for the Vantage Breach Intelligence Feed, registered a domain associated to the malware, ultimately triggering its “kill switch”.